Resources & Support

Materials, links and useful information for our customers.

Security and privacy

We respect the GDPR. But more than anything, we respect your data.

Respect for privacy is much more than a regulatory obligation; it is a fundamental aspect of Fluida's business model. We want companies and employees to be able to manage their data mindfully and in total security.

Help Center

An answer to every question.

Guides, video tutorials, frequently asked questions. Everything you need to find the solution to any doubts about setting up and using Fluida. And if that doesn't do the job, our support team is here to help.

Developer Portal

Integrate Fluida into your systems.

Fluida is designed to be integrated with other systems. Thanks to the APIs, which are documented in detail on the developer portal, you can send and receive data relating to all the functional areas of the platform.

System Status

Is everything working?

Our systems are very reliable, but if you're ever unsure as to whether something is working, check using this monitoring page.

Simply useful.

Streamline staff management. Start today.